Reestablishing an eBay Account After Suspension:
Exploring Options for a Fresh Start
Despite a suspended account, it is possible to open a new eBay account. However, you will need to create a new eBay account under an individual's name, which can later be updated with your business information. When initially setting up the account, you must use a name other than your own. While having an LLC is not mandatory for selling on eBay, it can be advantageous to leverage one.
Changing Contact Information:
To sell on eBay discreetly, you will need to modify all your contact information. This includes acquiring a new phone number, email address, address, and name. Therefore, you may choose to open the account under a friend's, family member's, or an alias name. Additionally, creating a fresh PayPal account that has not been linked to a previous eBay account is necessary.
Exploring Options to Establish a New eBay Account:
Setting up a new eBay account with a different name may seem complicated, but there are viable options available:
Option 1: Purchasing an Established eBay Account:
One option is to buy an aged eBay account online that comes with high selling limits and a 100% positive feedback rating. Some of these accounts may even include PayPal accounts under the same name. With this choice, the registered name remains anonymous on eBay, allowing you to operate under a new identity.
Other Considerations for Stealth on eBay:
Achieving stealth on eBay involves additional factors that may increase complexity, but it can be successful if executed correctly. Alongside new contact information and a name, acquiring a different IP address, using a separate computer from your previous eBay activities, and implementing other technical measures can provide an added layer of protection. Researching online resources can lead you to eBay stealth experts who can provide valuable guidance on this topic.
Option 2: Utilizing a Family Member or Close Friend:
Alternatively, you can request a family member or close friend to open an eBay account under their name temporarily. Later on, you can add your LLC and modify the account information accordingly. During this transition period, the account must remain under the name of the other individual.
Both of these methods can work effectively. However, exercising caution and meticulous attention to detail is crucial. By following these steps, you can successfully regain access to the eBay marketplace. Remember, with the right approach, it is entirely possible to outsmart eBay's restrictions.