An Extensive Guide to Advertising on Facebook (How to Advertise on Facebook): Tips and Strategies (Complete Guide) | - Income Hunts

An Extensive Guide to Advertising on Facebook (How to Advertise on Facebook): Tips and Strategies (Complete Guide) |


The rise of online marketing has transformed the advertising industry, leading to significant growth in digital marketing spending. In fact, research predicts that digital marketing spending will exceed traditional advertising spending in 2023. This shift in spending highlights the changing landscape of advertising and suggests that the future of advertising will be heavily influenced by digital platforms.

An Extensive Guide to Advertising on Facebook (How to Advertise on Facebook): Tips and Strategies (Complete Guide) |

One platform that has emerged as a dominant force in online advertising is Facebook. Facebook's advertising features offer unique advantages over traditional advertising, such as the ability to track detailed metrics and analytics in real-time. Advertisers can use this data to refine their strategies, optimize their campaigns, and achieve better returns on investment (ROI).

In addition to metrics, Facebook's deep targeting capabilities allow advertisers to reach their ideal customers with precision. Advertisers can tailor their messaging based on factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviors. By understanding their target audience and adapting their messaging to align with their behavior, advertisers can create more effective campaigns and increase conversion rates.

Furthermore, Facebook's advertising platform allows businesses to engage with their customers in ways that were not possible with traditional advertising. Advertisers can leverage the platform to interact with customers, respond to feedback, and build relationships that foster brand loyalty.

Overall, online advertising, particularly on Facebook, provides a more effective and efficient option than traditional advertising. As digital marketing spending continues to surpass traditional advertising spending, businesses must adapt and embrace digital advertising to stay competitive and reach their target audience effectively. Learning how to advertise on Facebook is a crucial step for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and succeed in the evolving landscape of advertising.

An Extensive Guide to Advertising on Facebook

 (How to Advertise on Facebook)

In this article, we'll delve into the world of Facebook advertising and cover the following key segments:

  • Why Facebook Advertising?

  • The three fundamental elements of Facebook Advertising

  • Eight essential steps to help you get started with Facebook Advertising

  • The success factors that determine the effectiveness of a Facebook Ads campaign

  • Frequently asked questions about Facebook Ads

  • Conclusion and final thoughts on Facebook Advertising.

Why Facebook Advertising?

There are some who might discourage you from advertising on Facebook, claiming that it isn't effective or produces poor results. However, the fact remains that there are over 3 million happy advertisers on Facebook. This alone suggests that Facebook advertising is a powerful tool for online marketing, alongside other popular search engine marketing options like Bing Ads and Google AdWords.

Over time, Facebook ads have evolved into a crucial part of any online marketing strategy. Marketers and social media experts are constantly exploring and brainstorming ways to create successful Facebook advertising campaigns that produce great results.

In recent years, businesses have been exploring whether or not to invest in Facebook advertising. What they've found is that Facebook ads are an essential tool for reaching a diverse audience with precise demographic and geographic targeting, all without spending a fortune.

If you're struggling to set up an online advertising campaign or finding it difficult to get started with Facebook advertising, you're not alone. For entrepreneurs and small business owners who are not yet using Facebook advertising to grow their customer base and engage new audiences, it's crucial to keep learning and exploring the potential of Facebook advertising.

Social Media Today published an article that covers Facebook ads and general online advertising terminologies, which can guide new advertisers who are not familiar with terms like CTR, Campaign Budget, Campaign Objective, Clicks, Impressions, Conversion rate, Actions, and much more.

To ensure that you don't lose track, it's necessary to know the basic elements of Facebook advertising. By understanding these elements, you can set up your campaigns more efficiently and effectively, target your audience more precisely, and ultimately achieve better results.

The Building Blocks of Successful Facebook Advertising:


 Understanding the Three Key Elements

Facebook advertising can be an effective way to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. However, to run a successful campaign, you need to understand the three basic elements that are crucial to its success.

  • Define the Purpose:

Firstly, defining the purpose of your campaign is essential. You need to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve through your Facebook ads, whether it is to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or promote a product/service. Clarifying your campaign's mission will ensure that you stay focused on your objectives and achieve the desired results.

  • Identify The Audience:

Secondly, identifying your target audience is critical to the success of your campaign. You need to know which demographic or geographic signals your audience is based on and what type of audience you want to target. This will enable you to create tailored ads that resonate with your target audience, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.

  • A Selection Of Budget:

Finally, budgeting is an essential factor in any Facebook advertising campaign. While having a sufficient budget is important, it does not guarantee success. Instead, your strategy plays a significant role in determining your success. You should allocate an appropriate budget to run your campaign effectively, considering factors such as ad placement, audience targeting, and campaign duration.

By understanding these three basic elements of Facebook advertising, you can pave the way for success in your campaign. Taking the time to define your purpose, identify your audience, and select the right budget will help you achieve your desired results and drive the growth of your business.

Facebook Ads offer four distinct types of ads that can be utilized

 to reach your target audience:

  • Mobile News Feed - These ads are displayed on the News Feed of users' mobile devices.
  • Desktop News Feed - These ads are displayed on the News Feed of users' desktop computers.
  • Right Column - These ads are displayed in the right-hand column of the Facebook platform.
  • Instagram - These ads are displayed on the Instagram platform, which is owned by Facebook.

By understanding the different types of Facebook Ads, businesses can choose the right ad format to reach their target audience and achieve their advertising goals.


Beginner's Guide: 8 Steps to Start Advertising

 on Facebook

Here are the steps you need to take to initiate your Facebook advertising campaign:

Step 1: Access the Ads Section and Create Your Ad

Step 1: Access the Ads Section and Create Your Ad |

To get started with creating a Facebook ad campaign, you need to access the ads section. First, open up the settings menu, which can be found in the top right-hand corner of your Facebook profile. Once the settings menu is open, look for the option labeled "Create Ad" and click on it. This will take you to the ads section, which is the starting point for setting up your ad campaign.

It's important to note that while this step may seem straightforward, the subsequent parts of the process can be more technical and require a deeper understanding of Facebook advertising. As you move forward with your ad campaign, you may need to make decisions around targeting, ad placement, budgeting, and more. It's important to take the time to educate yourself on these topics so that you can make informed decisions that will help you achieve your advertising goals.

Step 2: Choose/Select the Suitable Campaign Type for Your Objective

Step 2: Choose/Select the Suitable Campaign Type for Your Objective

In the second step, you need to choose the appropriate campaign type that aligns with your advertising objectives. Facebook offers a range of campaign types for advertisers to choose from in order to achieve the desired results. Whether your objective is to increase page likes, drive website traffic, boost app installs or engagement, promote events, or enhance video views, Facebook has a campaign type to suit your needs.

When selecting your campaign type, it's important to choose one that aligns with your business goals and objectives. Facebook's variety of campaign types provide you with the flexibility to select the most suitable option that can help achieve your marketing objectives.

It's crucial to consider factors such as target audience, budget, and the type of content you're promoting when choosing the campaign type. For example, if your goal is to drive website traffic, you should select the 'Traffic' campaign type. If you want to promote an event, you should select the 'Event Response' campaign type.

Choosing the appropriate campaign type is the key to ensuring that your Facebook advertising campaign is successful. So, take your time to select the right option that will enable you to achieve your desired results.

Step 3: Connect your Facebook Page

To begin your Facebook advertising campaign, you need to connect it to a Facebook page. This page will serve as the hub for your ads and the audience you're targeting. Make sure you choose the correct page that represents your business or brand.

Step 3: Connect your Facebook Page

Once you've selected the page, you will move on to the campaign optimization section. This is where you can choose the ad format and customize the audience reach. Facebook offers a range of targeting options, including location, age, interests, behaviors, and more. The more specific you are in your targeting, the better chance you have of reaching your desired audience.

You can also select your budget and schedule for your campaign at this stage. Facebook provides the flexibility to set a daily or lifetime budget for your ads and choose the start and end dates of your campaign. It's important to keep in mind that your budget and schedule can greatly impact the success of your campaign. So, choose them wisely based on your advertising goals and budget.

Step 4: Define your ad audience

Creating a highly targeted audience is a crucial step in the success of your Facebook advertising campaign. In this step, you need to define your audience type by setting specific parameters such as age, gender, location, language, interests, and behaviors.

Step 4: Define your ad audience

It is important to understand your target audience and tailor your ad message to their needs and interests. For example, if your target market is young adults interested in sports, you can specify age range, gender, location, and interests related to sports in the audience section.

Choosing the right audience is essential to get the best results from your ad campaign. If you target a broader audience, you might end up wasting your advertising budget on people who are not interested in your product or service. On the other hand, if you make your audience too narrow, you may not reach enough people to make an impact.

It is also important to avoid targeting irrelevant areas as it can increase the cost of your ad campaign and add useless clicks, engagements, and likes from those areas where you don’t need them. Therefore, take time to research and create a specific and relevant audience that can maximize the potential of your ad campaign.

Step 5: Set the Bidding and Pricing for Your Ad Campaign

After selecting your target audience, the next step is to determine how much you are willing to spend on your Facebook ad campaign. This is where you set your daily budget and bid for your ad placement.

In the bidding and pricing section, you can choose to set a daily or lifetime budget. A daily budget is the amount you are willing to spend per day on your ad campaign. A lifetime budget is the total amount you are willing to spend throughout the lifetime of the campaign.

You can also choose how you want to bid for your ad placement. Facebook offers two bidding options: cost per click (CPC) and cost per impression (CPM). Cost per click is when you pay for each click your ad receives, while cost per impression is when you pay for every thousand times your ad is shown on Facebook.

Step 5: Set the Bidding and Pricing for Your Ad Campaign

It's important to set your bidding and pricing carefully as it will affect the reach and effectiveness of your ad campaign. Make sure to monitor the performance of your ad campaign and adjust your bidding and pricing strategy accordingly.

Additionally, you can also set a schedule for your ad campaign. You can choose to run your ad continuously or set a specific start and end date. You can also choose to run your ad during specific hours of the day or days of the week. This allows you to target your audience at specific times when they are most likely to be active on Facebook.

Step 6: Design and upload your ad banner

In this step, you will need to create the visual elements of your ad campaign. This is where you'll need to craft eye-catching visuals that will grab the attention of your target audience.

When designing your ad banner, keep in mind that the recommended size for Facebook ads is 1200 x 628 pixels. You can also use a single image or a carousel format for multiple images in one ad.

To create your ad banner, you can use various design tools like Canva or Bannersnack. These platforms offer various templates and design elements that can help you create a professional-looking ad banner even if you don't have any design experience.

Step 6: Design and upload your ad banner

Your ad banner should be visually appealing and match the theme of your ad campaign. Make sure the text is legible and concise, and that the image is high-quality and relevant to your message. It's important to avoid using too much text in your ad banner, as Facebook has a 20% text rule that can limit the reach of your ad if you exceed the limit.

Once you've created your ad banner, you can upload it to Facebook and continue to the next step of the ad creation process.

Step 7: Write an Attractive Headline and Description

The headline and description of your ad are important elements that can make or break the success of your Facebook advertising campaign. A catchy headline and compelling description can grab the attention of your target audience and entice them to click on your ad.

When writing your ad copy, it's important to keep it short, precise, and engaging. You have a limited number of characters to work with, so every word counts. Make sure your headline and description accurately reflect the content of your ad and clearly convey your message to your target audience.

The character limit for ad copy on Facebook varies depending on the type of ad you want to run. 
For example, 

  • the text limit for a regular Facebook ad is 90 characters, 

  • while the headline limit is 25 characters, and 

  • the link description limit is 30 characters. 

It's important to follow these guidelines to ensure that your ad is displayed properly on Facebook.

To make your ad more attractive, you can use eye-catching visuals and add a call-to-action (CTA) to your ad copy. A CTA is a short phrase that encourages your audience to take action, such as "Learn More," "Shop Now," or "Sign Up." Including a CTA in your ad can help increase clicks and conversions.

You can also use the A/B testing feature in Facebook Ads Manager to test different headlines and descriptions and see which ones perform best. This can help you refine your ad copy and improve the effectiveness of your Facebook advertising campaign.

Lastly, it's always a good idea to follow the best practices for writing ads that convert. You can refer to online resources or guides like "How To Write An Advertisement which converts well on Google and Facebook?" to help you write compelling ad copy that drives results.

Step 8: Submit Your Ad for Review

After setting up your ad campaign, you need to submit it for review. Facebook's ad review process is designed to ensure that all ads comply with their policies and guidelines. Once you submit your ad, it may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours to be reviewed and approved.

During the review process, Facebook will check your ad to ensure that it meets their advertising policies. If your ad doesn't comply with their policies, it will be rejected. Therefore, it's important to ensure that your ad meets all the guidelines before submitting it for review.

Step 8: Submit Your Ad for Review

Once your ad is approved, it will start running on Facebook and reach your targeted audience. You can monitor the performance of your ad using Facebook Ads Manager and make changes if necessary.

Remember, it's important to follow Facebook's advertising policies and guidelines to avoid any penalties or account suspension. If you need help with creating an effective and compliant ad, consider seeking assistance from a professional marketer or a Facebook Ads expert.

Factors for a Successful Facebook Ads Campaign

As you progress with your Facebook ad campaigns, you may discover several factors that can help improve the effectiveness of your ads. However, there are a few critical factors that are worth mentioning. Let's take a closer look at them:

Factors for a Successful Facebook Ads Campaign |

Importance of Eye-catching Ad Design

Having an attractive ad design is crucial for the success of a Facebook ads campaign. The design of an ad plays a significant role in capturing the audience's attention, and it can encourage them to engage further with the ad. A well-designed ad is not just about having a banner with appropriate dimensions and text; it also involves using psychology to create an impact.

The colors used in an ad can influence the audience's emotions and affect their decision-making process. Text and fonts can also convey different emotions and messages, and it's important to choose them carefully based on the objective of the ad campaign. The written message itself needs to be engaging, clear, and concise to get the audience's attention and convey the intended message effectively.

Overall, a well-designed ad can help businesses attract their target audience and achieve their advertising goals.

Importance of Eye-catching Ad Design

The design of a Facebook ad plays a significant role in its success. An attractive ad design not only catches the audience's attention but also motivates them to engage with the content further. A well-designed ad goes beyond just selecting the right-sized banner and adding text. It involves understanding the psychology of colors, selecting the right fonts, and crafting an impactful message.

The color scheme of an ad can influence the audience's emotions and reactions. For example, red can create a sense of urgency or excitement, while blue can evoke feelings of trust and reliability. Fonts can also contribute to the ad's overall tone and message, with different fonts communicating different moods and styles.

Moreover, the written message of the ad must be concise, clear, and persuasive. It should communicate the value proposition and compel the audience to take action, such as clicking on the ad or making a purchase. All of these elements come together to create an attractive ad design that can make a significant difference in the success of a Facebook ad campaign.

Importance of Call-to-Action in Facebook Ads

The call-to-action (CTA) feature plays a crucial role in the success of a Facebook ad. No matter how well-designed an ad is or how compelling its description, the wrong CTA can lead to poor results. Advertisers must have a clear understanding of whether they want page likes or clicks from their audience.

For instance, consider the example of a Facebook ad from Suzuki Pakistan. The ad conveys the message of their car offers and is designed to target page likes. The "Like Page" button is a clear call-to-action in this ad.

Facebook recognizes the importance of CTAs, which is why they added this feature to pages in 2014. Hubspot also has a feature to create CTA buttons, highlighting their importance.

Tools such as ButtonOptimizer and TheButtonFactory assist companies, web designers, and online marketers in generating buttons to improve their site's CTA performance. For maximum conversions, it is crucial to learn how to utilize CTAs effectively. Check out our guide on "7 Call-to-Action Examples" for more tips.

Engaging/Compelling Message

Having an engaging message in your Facebook ad campaign is crucial for its success. It is important to create a meaningful and attractive message that captivates the audience. The more intrigued they are, the better the chances of them taking action.

Let's take a look at this tweet as an example:

The message is alarming and grabs the attention of the audience. It creates a sense of urgency and makes people curious about the content of the tweet.

However, the tweet also assures the audience that there is no need to worry. This combination of curiosity and assurance encourages people to click on the link and explore the content.

However, a great ad copy or a well-written description is not enough. It is important to use automation services like Uberflip to identify the call-to-action of your content marketing.

Additionally, tools like Wishpond and AdEspresso can help you run your Facebook ad campaigns smoothly by providing you with real-time stats without having to constantly monitor the Facebook site.


To achieve success with Facebook ads, it's crucial to evaluate and adjust your strategies based on user behavior and feedback. If a particular approach or ad design isn't working as intended, it's important not to give up on the entire system. Instead, it's crucial to critically evaluate the campaign's performance and understand the user's preferences and behaviors.

Analyzing the user's preferences can help you identify what kind of ads they dislike, how they interact with the ad, what tactics your competitors are using, and what your landing page might be missing. Spending money alone isn't going to guarantee success, but with diligent effort, patience, and testing, you can achieve your desired results.

In summary, achieving success with Facebook ads requires a continuous process of analyzing, tweaking, and adjusting your strategies according to user feedback and behavior. By taking a critical approach to your campaigns, you can maximize the effectiveness of your ad spend and improve your chances of success.

How are Facebook Ads commonly discussed in FAQs?

Question : Is it possible to advertise on Facebook for free?

Answer: Unfortunately, advertising on Facebook is not free. Facebook is a for-profit company, and therefore, you need to pay for advertising on their platform. The advertising cost is usually charged in either CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) basis.


Facebook generates the majority of its revenue through advertising, and as such, it charges businesses and individuals for using its advertising platform. Facebook's advertising model is based on the principle of pay-per-click or cost-per-impression. This means that advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad (CPC) or when their ad is displayed one thousand times (CPM).

Facebook offers various ad formats and targeting options to help businesses reach their target audience. The platform uses complex algorithms to determine the best ad placement and targeting options for each ad, ensuring that it reaches the right audience at the right time. The cost of Facebook advertising can vary depending on factors such as audience targeting, ad format, industry, and competition.

In summary, while Facebook provides a powerful advertising platform for businesses and individuals to reach a large audience, it is not free. Businesses and individuals need to allocate a budget to pay for their advertising campaigns on the platform.

Question: What is the minimum amount I need to spend on Facebook ads to see


Answer: There is no set minimum or maximum amount that you need to spend on Facebook advertising. You can spend as much or as little as you feel comfortable with to see how your campaigns are performing. For beginners, it is usually recommended to start with a daily budget of $15 to $25 and evaluate the performance of their ads. Based on the results, they can then scale their budget and adjust other factors as necessary. It's important to keep in mind that the success of a Facebook ad campaign depends on several factors, including the target audience, ad design, and call-to-action, among others. Therefore, it's important to monitor and adjust your campaigns regularly to achieve the best results within your budget.

Question: What should I do if my Facebook Ad has been disapproved due to having

more than 20% text in the image?

Answer: Currently, Facebook has a policy that restricts the amount of text in image ads to no more than 20%. This is to ensure a better user experience for the audience. However, there have been reports that this rule may be eliminated in the near future. If your ad has been disapproved due to exceeding the 20% text limit, you should edit your ad and reduce the amount of text in the image to comply with the policy.

Question: Question: How can I resolve issues with my payment card while using

Facebook Advertising? OR My Card is not working with Facebook Advertising?

Answer: It is recommended to check the type of Visa/Mastercard card you have if you are experiencing issues with using it for Facebook advertising. There are two types of cards: debit Visa/Mastercard and credit Visa/Mastercard. Debit cards are often the ones that don't work, so it's advisable to contact your bank and ask for a credit card instead. Credit cards are generally accepted for Facebook advertising and are a more reliable option for making payments.

If you are experiencing issues with your payment card while using Facebook Advertising, there are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue:

  • Check if the card is valid: Make sure your payment card is still valid and hasn't expired.

  • Verify your billing information: Ensure that the billing information you entered matches the information associated with the card.

  • Check for sufficient funds: Make sure there are enough funds available in your account to cover the ad charges.

  • Check your bank's policies: Some banks may have restrictions on card usage for certain transactions or online purchases, so it's worth checking with your bank to see if this is the case.

  • Use a different card: If none of the above steps work, try using a different payment card to see if that resolves the issue.

If you are still having trouble with your payment card, you can contact Facebook support for further assistance.

Concluding Tips for Successful

Facebook Advertising\How to

advertise on facebook

I have provided comprehensive information about Facebook advertising and why it is important for businesses. I have also covered the process of creating your first ad and the key success factors for Facebook advertising. However, in marketing, testing is the secret to success. By testing, analyzing, and learning from mistakes, you can improve your advertising strategies.

Now it's your turn to plan your Facebook advertising campaign. With a large audience, Facebook is a great platform for advertising. The key is to learn and start your Facebook advertising campaign effectively.

What other steps would you take to make your Facebook ad campaign successful? 

Feel free to share your thoughts.


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